Meet Luis Morales-Torres, MD, at Town Center Family Practice in Orange City, FL
Dr. Luis Morales-Torres, MD is a family medicine specialist at Town Center Family Practice and has over 45 years of experience in the medical field. For more information, contact us or schedule an appointment online.

Table of Contents:
What is Dr. Luis Morales-Torres’ specialty?
How many years of experience does Dr. Morales have in the medical field?
Where did Dr. Morales graduate from medical school?
What languages does Dr. Morales speak fluently?
Where did Dr. Morales complete his Family Specialty residency?
How long has Dr. Morales been practicing in Central Florida?
Has Dr. Morales held any teaching positions in medical schools?
What are some of Dr. Morales’ personal hobbies?
What type of medical care does Dr. Morales provide as a family doctor?
Can Dr. Morales recommend specialists when needed?
Is Dr. Morales accepting new patients?
Can I make online appointment with Dr. Dr. Morales, MD?
Dr. Luis Morales-Torres is a Family Medicine Specialist.
Dr. Morales has over 45 years of experience in the medical field.
Dr. Morales graduated with honors from Universidad Autonoma De Barcelona, Facultad De Medicina.
Dr. Morales speaks fluent Spanish and English.
Dr. Morales completed his residency at Caguas Regional Hospital in Puerto Rico.
Dr. Morales has been practicing in Central Florida for over 40 years.
Yes, Dr. Morales served as a clinical instructor and associate professor at Universidad del Caribe, St. Mathews University, and UCF School of Medicine.
Dr. Morales is an avid reader, fisherman, and enjoys anything related to aircrafts.
Dr. Morales provides comprehensive medical care for individuals of all ages and families.
Yes, Dr. Morales can recommend patients to a specialist when necessary.
Yes, Dr. Morales, MD, is currently accepting new patients. Contact us for more information.
Yes, you can schedule online appointment with Dr. Morales, MD.